New electricity connection

Applying for a new electricity connection? You’ve come to the right place.

A New Electricity Connection is for those who already have power to their boundary, but not to their residential, lifestyle, rural or commercial property.

Note – power lines or cables running past a property does not mean that you have power to the boundary. If you are unsure, please call us on 0800 30 90 80 for advice.

We recommend using an electrician to complete the forms.

Our connectivity forms require a good understanding of the network around you as well as electricity terminology.

Applications have a higher success rate and faster processing times when they are completed by someone with technical understanding.

New electricity connection application options

There are two application options to choose from if you are looking for a New Electricity Connection.

Residential new connection application form

For example, because the land is subdivided and already has power to the boundary, but not to the property.

Non-residential new connection application form

For example, the farm/commercial site or lifestyle property already has power to the boundary, but not to the property.

Relevant documents and agreements

Some information and agreements that you will need when you’re applying for a new connection to our network are listed here.

Users of our network must comply with our Network Connection Standards.

Make sure you read our Connection Agreement which outlines our relationship and roles and responsibilities when you connect to our network.

Applications terms & conditions will need to be agreed to before continuing.

New power connection process


Online application is submitted via

MainPower processes the application

Retailer Processing

The chosen retailer is advised by MainPower and accepts the application.


If a new meter is required, the electrician coordinates with the livening agent.


Livening agent turns on the power.

Detailed process steps

Below is a guide to our new connection process. In some situations the process may differ.

If you would like more information about new connections, please contact our team on 0800 30 90 80.

Step 1 A New Power Connection application is submitted to MainPower

The customer or someone working on behalf of the customer (like an electrician) will submit an online application for a new power connection to MainPower. Depending on your new connection type you can apply for a New Residential Connection or a New Non-Residential Connection.

Please be aware that some new connections could require a ‘raise and terminate’ or a ‘termination’ to the MainPower network. This is a service provided by MainPower (and other third-party accredited installers) to make the connection ready for livening.
A raise and terminate, or a termination must be booked in advance, and completed prior to the livening agent turning on the power. Please contact us 0800 30 90 80 for more information.
Step 2 MainPower processes the application -

MainPower processes the application.

Step 3 MainPower advises the retailer of the new connection request

MainPower will advise your chosen retailer for you.

Step 4Retailer accepts the new power connection

A notification from the retailer is received.

Step 5Electrician/customer requests the power to be turned on by the Livening Agent

It is the responsibility of the customer or electrician to advise the livening agent. 

Step 6 Retailer sends request to metering/Livening Agent to install meter

Electricity retailers own electricity meters. Your retailer will arrange for a meter to be installed. 

Step7 Livening Agent turns the power on to the new connection

Once the meter is installed, the connection can be livened.

Step 8 Connection complete

Connection complete

We’re here to help

If you need some assistance or advice, please get in touch with our team.

Outage notifications

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Outage notifications

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Quick links