Terms & Conditions

New residential and non-residential connections

Important information for building and electrical contractors

1. Application for Temporary Supply and New Connection

1.1 All applications for supply are to be made on the Network Connection Application online form on this page. Alternatively you can contact MainPower directly.

1.2 In normal circumstances, a new installation will not be connected to the supply until such time as MainPower has received notification from the Electrical Contractor.

2. Electrical Contractor’s Responsibility

2.1 It is the Electrical Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that proper provision is made for underground supply. On the MainPower network only MainPower approved contractors are permitted to access service boxes, link boxes or kiosks.

2.2 Where the Electrical Contractor has installed the service main to the power pole, they must contact MainPower to advise that the service cable is required to be raised and terminated. This is chargeable to the Electrical Contractor or customer. Only MainPower approved contractors are permitted to climb poles or access pole fuses.

3. Water Heating

3.1 MainPower will control all domestic water heater cylinders 180 litres and above.

3.2 Booster elements in solar water heaters are to be controlled by MainPower.

3.3 Booster elements in diesel water heaters are to be controlled by MainPower.

4. Mains

4.1 A certificate of compliance must be provided before any connection to the network can be completed.

4.2 If the load is above 60 Amp 1-phase or 32 Amp 3-phase, please consult MainPower’s Network Services team.

4.3 Additional requirements may apply to cover installations with large fixed-heating loads. Advice should be obtained from MainPower’s Network Services team before any wiring of mains is commenced on these particular installations.

4.4 Commercial Installations: The minimum size mains shall be: 3-phase 16 sq.mm plus 16 sq.mm Neutral in areas reticulated on 3-phase supply.


Please ensure you have read and understood the Network Connection Agreement and Network Connection Standards documents before completing your application.

MainPower looks forward to assessing your application and connecting you to our distribution system.

New power supplies and amend existing supply

New power supplies or amendments to existing supplies on the MainPower network incur application and design fees.

Once you have completed the following form, you will receive a letter within five working days detailing the applicable application and design fees. Fees must be paid before any work is commenced.

Click here to view application and design fees from 01 March 2024 here.

Need some more information before starting your request? Click here to read our frequently asked questions.

Builders temporary supply

Important information for building and electrical contractors

1. Application for Temporary Supply and New Connection

1.1 All applications for supply are to be made on the Network Connection Application online form on this page. Alternatively you can contact MainPower directly.

1.2 In normal circumstances, a new installation will not be connected to the supply until such time as MainPower has received notification from the Electrical Contractor.

2. Electrical Contractor’s Responsibility

2.1 It is the Electrical Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that proper provision is made for underground supply. On the MainPower network only MainPower approved contractors are permitted to access service boxes, link boxes or kiosks.

2.2 Where the Electrical Contractor has installed the service main to the power pole, they must contact MainPower to advise that the service cable is required to be raised and terminated. This is chargeable to the Electrical Contractor or customer. Only MainPower approved contractors are permitted to climb poles or access pole fuses.

Outage notifications

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Outage notifications

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Quick links